Unveiling Nestle’s Cerelac Sugar Saga: Implications for Infant Health

Unveiling Nestle’s Cerelac Sugar Saga: Implications for Infant Health

Credit : Amazon.in

18.04.2024 : Nestle’s Cerelac, a popular baby food brand, has stirred controversy with reports revealing added sugar in Indian products while being sugar-free in other countries. This revelation has sparked discussions on infant nutrition and health concerns.

According to investigations, all 15 Cerelac baby products in India contain nearly 3 grams of added sugar per serving, a stark contrast to their sugar-free counterparts in developed nations like the UK and Germany. Public Eye’s report highlighted Nestle’s use of sugar and honey in infant milk and cereal products, raising concerns about adherence to international guidelines aimed at curbing obesity and chronic diseases.

Nestle India Ltd. defended its practices, citing a 30% reduction in added sugars over the past five years and ongoing efforts to further reduce sugar content. However, experts caution against adding sugar to baby foods, emphasizing the risks of addiction and long-term health issues like obesity and diabetes.

The lack of transparency regarding added sugar on packaging exacerbates concerns, as parents may not be aware of the actual sugar content in these products. The controversy underscores the need for clearer labeling and informed consumer choices in infant nutrition.

As discussions continue, the impact of added sugar on early childhood health remains a critical topic, prompting calls for stricter regulations and greater accountability in the baby food industry.

 From  – NDTV News