UN to Add Israel to Human Rights Blacklist: Netanyahu Reacts

UN to Add Israel to Human Rights Blacklist

UN to Add Israel to Human Rights Blacklist

08.06.2024: The United Nations is set to include Israel on a list of countries and armed forces accused of failing to protect children in conflict zones. This upcoming addition has sparked a strong reaction from Israeli officials.

Key Points

UN Report and Israel’s Inclusion The “Children and Armed Conflict” report by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, due for publication on June 18, has been leaked, revealing Israel’s inclusion on the blacklist. This decision has prompted an intense response from Israel’s UN ambassador, Gilad Erdan, who expressed shock and disgust.

Israeli Officials React Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu criticized the UN’s decision, labeling it as absurd and unjust. He defended the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), calling it the most moral military globally and rejecting the UN’s claims.

Palestinian Response Riyad Mansour, the Palestinian envoy to the United Nations, welcomed the inclusion, arguing that it represents a step towards ending Israel’s impunity and protecting Palestinian children.

Hamas and Islamic Jihad The report will also list Hamas and Islamic Jihad for their roles in the conflict, highlighting violations against children.

Context and Statistics

Current Conflict Gaza has been embroiled in conflict since Hamas’s attack on Israel on October 7, which resulted in 1,194 Israeli deaths. Israel’s counter-offensive has led to over 36,731 deaths in Gaza, including around 15,000 minors, according to Gaza’s health ministry.

Humanitarian Impact The ongoing violence has severely impacted Gaza’s population, with significant shortages of clean water, food, and medical supplies. Reports indicate a high level of malnutrition among children, with many going days without proper meals.

International Reactions Human Rights Watch and other rights groups have long advocated for Israel’s inclusion on the UN blacklist, citing ongoing violations against children. Louis Charbonneau from Human Rights Watch described the inclusion as justified and overdue.

The UN’s decision to add Israel to its human rights blacklist, alongside Hamas and Islamic Jihad, underscores the severe impact of the ongoing conflict on children in Gaza. As reactions from both Israeli and Palestinian officials continue to unfold, the global community watches closely to see the implications of this controversial decision.

Source –  NDTV