MPs Clash in Italian Parliament Ahead of G7 Summit

Watch: MPs Clash in Italian Parliament Ahead of G7 Summit

Rome: Parliamentary Brawl Over Regional Autonomy Sparks Uproar

14.06.2024: A heated altercation broke out in the Italian parliament on Wednesday evening over the far-right government’s plans to grant regions more autonomy. The scuffle, which has drawn widespread condemnation, unfolded after Five Star Movement (MS5) deputy Leonardo Donno attempted to tie an Italian flag around the neck of regional affairs minister Roberto Calderoli, a member of the pro-autonomy Northern League.

Incident Details

  • Triggering Event: Leonardo Donno’s action was a symbolic protest against the government’s autonomy plans, which critics argue threaten Italy’s unity.
  • Response: In reaction, Calderoli’s League colleagues surged from their benches to confront Donno, leading to a chaotic melee involving around 20 MPs.
  • Injuries: Donno was injured during the brawl and had to be evacuated in a wheelchair before being taken to a hospital.

Political Reactions and Media Coverage

The brawl has elicited a torrent of reactions from political leaders and dominated the front pages of Italian newspapers.

  • Criticism: La Repubblica criticized the fight, drawing parallels to the violent paramilitary squads of the post-World War I era that supported fascist leader Benito Mussolini. Corriere della Sera described the parliamentary chamber as a “boxing ring.”
  • Accusations: Members of the League and Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s Brothers of Italy party accused Donno of instigating the altercation and exaggerating his injuries.
  • Defense: The MS5 condemned the incident as a “serious and shameful attack” and demanded immediate action. MS5 leader Giuseppe Conte criticized the Meloni majority for the violence.

Official Statements

  • Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani: Speaking to Sky TG24, Tajani emphasized that lawmakers should exemplify higher standards, stating, “The chamber is not a boxing ring… it’s not fisticuffs that solve political problems.”
  • Concerns Over Autonomy Proposal: Critics of the autonomy proposal argue that it could lead to reduced public services in Italy’s poorer regions.

Historical Context

While the recent brawl is alarming, it is not an isolated incident. In 2021, deputies from the Brothers of Italy interrupted a debate on the Covid-19 health pass, showcasing a history of disruptive behavior in the chamber.

The incident in the Italian parliament has sparked significant debate and highlighted the deep divisions over regional autonomy in Italy. As the country prepares for the G7 Summit, the political landscape remains tense and contentious.

 Source – NDTV