Major Radhika Sen Honoured by UN for Military Gender Advocacy

Major Radhika Sen Honoured by UN for Military Gender Advocacy

Major Radhika Sen Honoured by UN for Military Gender Advocacy

30.05.2024:  Major Radhika Sen, a distinguished peacekeeper with the United Nations peacekeeping mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo, is set to receive the prestigious 2023 Military Gender Advocate of the Year Award from UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. This accolade highlights her exceptional efforts in integrating gender perspectives into peacekeeping activities.

A Journey from Biotechnology to the Indian Army

Originally pursuing a career in biotechnology, Major Sen’s path took a significant turn when she decided to join the Indian Army. Reflecting on her career change, she remarked, “Joining the Indian Army made me realize there is no better way to serve humanity and my country.” Her background in biotechnology has given her a unique perspective, enriching her approach to peacekeeping.

Challenges in the Congo and the Role of the Indian Army

During her service in the Congo, Major Sen faced numerous challenges. She emphasized that her experience with the Indian Army, known for its diverse operational environments, prepared her well for these difficulties. “Serving in different regions of India exposed us to various environments, making it easier to adapt and understand the socio-cultural dynamics of the Congo,” she explained.

Promoting Gender Perspectives in Peacekeeping

Major Sen’s award recognizes her efforts in ensuring that her team acknowledged the importance of gender and socio-cultural norms. She noted, “In any conflict, women and girls are often the most affected, facing increased risks of abuse. As women peacekeepers, we address their concerns and encourage them to raise their voices.”

Engaging with Local Communities

Understanding that high-level talks were insufficient, Major Sen and her team engaged directly with local communities. They focused on raising awareness about women’s health, education on sexual violence, and providing employment training. “We involved ourselves in creating awareness and providing training in baking, tailoring, and English for children,” she shared, highlighting the multifaceted approach to peacekeeping.

Overcoming Misinformation and Hostility

Despite their efforts, misinformation about MONUSCO led to hostile situations, with peacekeepers sometimes facing stone-throwing incidents. Major Sen’s resilience and commitment to her mission underscored the challenging environment in which they operated.

A Serendipitous Entry into the Army

Major Sen’s entry into the army was almost accidental. While pursuing her Master’s degree at IIT Bombay, she applied for the Service Selection Board (SSB) out of curiosity and passed. “I always wanted to serve humanity and India, but I thought I’d do it as a scientist. Clearing the SSB changed my path, and I couldn’t be happier with my decision to join the armed forces,” she expressed.

Major Radhika Sen’s dedication and innovative approach to peacekeeping have earned her the UN’s 2023 Military Gender Advocate of the Year Award. Her journey from biotechnology to the Indian Army exemplifies her commitment to serving humanity and her country. Her work in the Congo stands as a testament to the impact of gender-inclusive peacekeeping efforts.

 Source – NDTV