“Euphoric Experience” Woman Goes Into Labour During Taylor Swift Concert

“Euphoric Experience” Woman Goes Into Labour During Taylor Swift Concert

"Euphoric Experience" Woman Goes Into Labour During Taylor Swift Concert

10.06.2024: A pregnant woman went into labor while attending Taylor Swift’s concert in Australia, making it a memorable night for both the new mom and the pop star’s fans. Jenn Gutierrez, 31, who was 38 weeks pregnant, traveled 412 kilometers from Canberra to Melbourne to see her favorite singer perform on the Eras Tour. Despite being close to her due date, she was determined to attend the concert with her husband, Michael Sin, and her twin sister.

The unforgettable moment happened during the ‘Reputation’ set, about an hour into the concert. Gutierrez started having contractions but continued to dance and sing along with the crowd. The contractions persisted throughout the show but stopped once she returned to her hotel. The next morning, she was able to fly back home.

In February 2024, just a few days after the concert, Gutierrez gave birth to a healthy baby girl, who is now two months old. Reflecting on the experience, she said, “They started during the Reputation set. I thought, ‘I’m not going anywhere. If this baby comes, she’s coming out now.’ The contractions got progressively worse. In the Midnights set, I thought, ‘OMG, I’m going to have this baby right now.'”

Gutierrez and her twin sister have been avid fans of Taylor Swift and were thrilled to purchase VIP tickets for $600 AUD (approximately Rs 33,000) last year. She admitted that they initially didn’t think she would be so far along in her pregnancy during the concert. “We were doing the maths and didn’t think I was going to be that pregnant initially. We then realized we were cutting it close,” she explained.

Despite being allowed to fly six days before the show, Gutierrez had reservations about the eight-hour road journey. Nevertheless, she was determined to attend, saying, “We were adamant about going. No way we were going to miss the show.”

During the concert, Gutierrez felt the contractions starting an hour in. She recounted, “I was so shocked. I was a bit taken aback. My twin sister was next to me monitoring me. My husband was keeping an eye on my heart rate on my Apple Watch. I hope the girls behind me didn’t think I’m not a real Swiftie because I kept sitting down. It was a euphoric experience.”

Jenn Gutierrez, 31, was 38 weeks pregnant when she flew 412 miles from Canberra, Australia, to Melbourne, to see her favorite artist perform

Despite being just two weeks away from her due date Jenn knew nothing would stop her getting to the Era’s Tour with her husband, Michael Sin, 31, a public servant, and her twin sister, Dani, 31.


But an hour in, during Taylor’s Reputation set Jenn suddenly started having contractions.

The contractions continued for the rest of the gig but Jenn managed to keep dancing and singing through them.

They stopped after she got back to the hotel and she managed to fly back home the next morning.

She gave birth to her daughter, now two months, a few days later in February 2024.

Jenn, a executive assistant, said: “They started during the Reputation set.

“I thought ‘I’m not going anywhere. If this baby comes she coming out now’.

“The contractions got progressively worse.

“In the Midnights set I thought ‘OMG, I’m going to have this baby right now’.”

By the end of the show, Gutierrez could barely stand or walk properly. “I felt the baby on its way out because she was so low. Imagine standing for three hours with a bowling ball between your legs. I waddled out of the stadium,” she said. After reaching the hotel, she managed to ease the contractions and flew back home the next morning.

A few days later, she gave birth to a “happy” and “healthy” baby girl weighing around 3.3 kilograms. “The first song she listened to was Fearless by Taylor Swift. She is an embedded Swiftie,” the new mother shared.

Devon Live

This incredible story adds another layer of excitement to Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour, showcasing the lengths fans will go to see their favorite artist live and the unforgettable experiences that can happen along the way.

 Sourec- NDTV

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