Earth Day 2024: Discover the Theme “Planet vs. Plastics

Earth Day 2024: Discover the Theme “Planet vs. Plastics

Credit : Universe Public School News

22.04.2024 : Earth Day, also known as International Mother Earth Day, is celebrated annually on April 22. It serves as a global platform to raise awareness about environmental challenges and promote sustainability initiatives. This year, Earth Day 2024 carries a crucial theme: “Planet vs. Plastics.”

The theme “Planet vs. Plastics” underscores the urgent need to address the detrimental effects of plastic pollution on human health and the environment. With pollution levels soaring and temperatures reaching unprecedented highs, Earth Day 2024 takes on added significance in the ongoing battle to safeguard our planet.

History of Earth Day:

Earth Day traces its roots back to 1970 when US Senator and environmentalist Gaylord Nelson, alongside Harvard University graduate student Denis Hayes, initiated the event. Concerned about environmental degradation, particularly after a major oil spill in Santa Barbara, California, in 1969, Nelson and Hayes mobilized millions of Americans on April 22, 1970, to protest against various environmental crises.

The momentum gained from that first Earth Day led to widespread global participation, making it one of the largest civic movements in history. Since then, Earth Day has grown into a day of global action, marked by seminars, events, and concerts aimed at fostering environmental awareness and activism.

Theme of Earth Day 2024:

The theme “Planet vs. Plastics” aligns with the upcoming UN plastics convention, slated for adoption by the end of 2024. More than 50 nations, including the UK, have called for an end to plastic pollution by 2040. Earth Day 2024 seeks to amplify this call to action, urging individuals, communities, and organizations worldwide to combat plastic pollution and protect our planet’s health.

Join the global movement this Earth Day as we strive to create a sustainable future for generations to come.