China’s Military Drills Encircling Taiwan: A Power Play Test

China’s Military Drills Encircling Taiwan: A Power Play Test

China’s Military Drills Encircling Taiwan: A Power Play Test

China’s Military Drills Encircling Taiwan: A Power Play Test
Times of india

24.05.2024: China’s military has launched extensive drills around Taiwan, designed to assess its capacity to “seize power” over the island, according to the People’s Liberation Army (PLA). These large-scale exercises, the biggest in over a year, commenced as Taiwan swore in its new president, Lai Ching-te, who advocates for the island’s sovereignty and distinct identity, much to Beijing’s displeasure.

Largest Military Drills in a Year

The current drills began on Thursday and have seen the deployment of warships and fighter jets around Taiwan and its outlying islands. The PLA stated the exercises are a punitive response to “separatist acts” by Taiwan’s independence forces.

Objectives of the Drills

The PLA’s Eastern Theater Command highlighted the goals of these drills, focusing on the ability to jointly seize power, launch attacks, and occupy strategic areas. These maneuvers are part of China’s ongoing effort to assert its claim over Taiwan, which it views as part of its territory despite having never controlled it.

Taiwan’s Response

Taiwan’s Defense Ministry has condemned the exercises as “irrational provocations” and has mobilized its own sea, air, and ground forces in response. Between 6 a.m. Thursday and 6 a.m. Friday, Taiwan detected significant Chinese military activity, including 49 aircraft and 19 warships near the Taiwan Strait.

International and Domestic Reactions

The drills have stirred reactions both domestically and internationally. Taiwan’s presidential office expressed regret over China’s military threats, emphasizing Taiwan’s readiness to protect its national security. Domestically, President Lai faces political challenges with an opposition favoring closer ties to China and ongoing protests against proposed legislative changes.

Strategic Significance of the Drills

Chinese state media has extensively covered the drills, portraying them as a strategic blockade rehearsal. Military expert Zhang Chi noted the exercises’ focus on blockading Taiwan, which relies heavily on imports. This tactic aims to economically isolate Taiwan, potentially leading to its collapse.

While the drills highlight China’s military capabilities, analysts suggest they are more about sending a political message than signaling an imminent invasion. The ongoing pressure from these exercises could deepen political and social divides within Taiwan, serving Beijing’s long-term strategic interests.

 Source – CNN