Severely Beaten at the Meeting of Amit Shah for asking questions, the Journalist was Hospitalized

Journalist Beaten Severely at the Meeting of Amit Shah: Press Freedom Under Scrutiny

After questioning individuals affiliated with the BJP at the meeting of Amit Shah about statements made by certain women at the rally, Raghav Trivedi, a journalist with the YouTube news channel ‘Molitics,’ was reportedly assaulted by them.

Journalist Raghav Trivedi (in black shirt) speaking with workers of the National Students’
Union of India. | Aryan Mishra/X (Credit :

13.05.2024 : A YouTube channel journalist was beaten up during a public meeting of Home Minister Amit Shah in Uttar Pradesh’s Rae Bareli. Aggrieved journalist Raghav Trivedi alleged that he was questioning women at a BJP meeting. At that time BJP workers beat him brutally.

The entire incident instantly went viral on social media. Congress and Samajwadi Party have raised questions about this. It is reported that a case has been filed against 6 unidentified people on behalf of the cameraman who was with the journalist in this incident.

(1) Details of the Attack:

The journalist, while attending a meeting presided over by Amit Shah, the Home Minister, posed critical questions regarding a contentious issue. In response, individuals, allegedly associated with the meeting, physically assaulted the journalist. Witnesses report that the attack was sudden and severe, with multiple assailants involved. The journalist was subjected to punches, kicks, and verbal abuse before bystanders intervened to stop the violence. The attack took place in full view of other attendees, raising concerns about the safety of journalists in such environments.

(2) Journalist’s Injuries:

As a result of the attack, the journalist sustained severe injuries requiring immediate medical attention. Reports indicate that the journalist suffered multiple contusions, lacerations, and bruises across the body. Additionally, there are indications of possible fractures, particularly in the arms and ribs, although a full medical assessment is pending. The extent of the injuries underscores the brutality of the assault and highlights the dangers journalists face while carrying out their duties. The journalist is currently hospitalized and undergoing treatment for their injuries, with their condition being closely monitored by medical professionals.

(3) Reactions and Outrage:

The journalist’s brutal assault at the meeting of Amit Shah has sparked widespread condemnation and outrage from various quarters. Media organizations, press associations, and human rights groups have swiftly responded, denouncing the attack as an egregious violation of press freedom and an assault on democracy itself. Political leaders across the spectrum have also voiced their concern, emphasizing the importance of protecting journalists’ right to ask questions without fear of reprisal.

(4) Calls for Action to Protect Press Freedom:

In the aftermath of the incident, there have been fervent calls for immediate action to safeguard press freedom and ensure the safety of journalists. Civil society groups are demanding a thorough investigation into the attack, with calls for the perpetrators to be held accountable under the law. Additionally, there are growing calls for enhanced measures to protect journalists from violence and intimidation, particularly in the context of political events and public gatherings.

(5) Strengthening Legal Protections:

Many advocates are calling for strengthened legal protections for journalists, including the implementation of robust laws against attacks on media personnel. There is also a push for greater accountability for individuals and organizations that seek to suppress freedom of the press through violence or coercion. Furthermore, there are appeals for the government to reaffirm its commitment to upholding press freedom as a fundamental pillar of democracy, and to take concrete steps to address the broader challenges facing journalists in the country.

(6) Solidarity and Support:

         A. Amidst the outcry, there has been an outpouring of solidarity and support for the injured journalist and their colleagues. Media professionals, civil society activists, and concerned citizens are rallying together to condemn the attack and express solidarity with the journalistic community. There are calls for unity in defending press freedom against any attempts to undermine it, emphasizing the critical role that a free and independent media plays in a democratic society.

B.  Posting the issue on social media, the Congress wrote, Amit Shah had a public meeting in UP’s Rae Bareli. Here the women told a reporter that they were brought to the rally with money. The journalist recorded it. After that the BJP goons asked the journalist to delete the video. When he refused to do so, he was taken behind the stage and beaten severely by the BJP goons. Even money was taken from the journalist.BJP goons recently vandalized cars parked outside the Congress office in Amethi and assaulted Congress workers, the post said. From these events, it is clear that the BJP is disappointed with the future defeat. Now the injustice is going to end.

C. In this regard, SP President Akhilesh Yadav said, violence is a sign of defeat. A journalist was attacked by BJP workers when he was trying to expose the fact of giving money to people at a BJP rally in Rae Bareli. This is the truth of law and order in Uttar Pradesh. When this is the situation in the assembly of the home minister of the country, then the condition of the rest of the country cannot be said how bad it is. BJP wants to win elections by creating violent atmosphere.

D. On this, Priyanka Gandhi said, journalist Kaghav Trivedi was brutally beaten by BJP men at the Home Minister’s meeting in Rae Bareli. The Home Minister was giving a speech and the police were silent spectators. The journalist was beaten because he spoke to some women who said they were paid to attend the meeting. The BJP that has silenced the media across the country does not tolerate raising any voice against them. They want to destroy the democracy in this country and take away the voice of the people. On the other hand, Bihar leader Pappu Yadav said intrepid journalist Raghav Trivedi was seriously injured by BJP’s Lokdar at Home Minister Amit Shah’s rally in Rae Bareli. He is undergoing treatment in the hospital. I am going to meet him. He said, there is a strong fear of defeat in BJP. Fearing, BJP is expressing its frustration by beating journalists.

(7) Examining the Role of Authorities: Accountability and Responsibility

In the aftermath of the journalist’s assault at the meeting of Amit Shah, there is a pressing need to scrutinize the role of authorities in upholding accountability and responsibility.

A. Ensuring Accountability:

One of the primary responsibilities of the authorities is to ensure that those responsible for the attack are held accountable for their actions. This entails conducting a prompt and impartial investigation to identify the perpetrators and bring them to justice. Law enforcement agencies must demonstrate their commitment to upholding the rule of law by thoroughly investigating the incident and prosecuting those found guilty of committing violence against the journalist.

B. Preventing Recurrence:

Authorities must also take proactive measures to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. This includes implementing stricter security protocols at public events to protect journalists from potential threats and ensuring that freedom of the press is respected and upheld at all times. Additionally, there is a need for greater awareness and training among law enforcement personnel about the importance of safeguarding press freedom and the rights of journalists.

C. Holding Officials Accountable:

Furthermore, there is a broader issue of holding public officials accountable for creating an environment conducive to attacks on press freedom. Political leaders and government officials must refrain from engaging in rhetoric or actions that incite violence or hostility towards journalists. It is imperative that authorities at all levels demonstrate their commitment to upholding the principles of democracy, including freedom of expression and the press, and take concrete steps to protect these fundamental rights.

D. Transparency and Accountability:

Transparency and accountability are essential pillars of a democratic society. Authorities must be transparent in their response to the incident, providing regular updates on the progress of the investigation and any actions taken to address the underlying issues. This transparency is crucial for maintaining public trust and confidence in the ability of the authorities to protect press freedom and uphold the rule of law.

So, examining the role of authorities in the wake of the journalist’s assault is critical for ensuring accountability and responsibility, and for reaffirming the commitment to safeguarding press freedom in a democratic society.