BREAKING NEWS: Sheikh Hasina resigned from the post of Prime Minister

Bangladesh Protest: Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina left Bangladesh today and left the country, people occupied the Ganabhaban

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina left Bangladesh today, Monday amid the heated situation. The news is from AFP sources. Sister Rehana is also with him. It is known that Hasina left for an unknown address by helicopter.

Dhaka: Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina left the country. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina left Bangladesh today, Monday amid the heated situation. The news is from AFP sources. Sister Rehana is also with him. It is known that Hasina left for India in a military helicopter.


BREAKING NEWS: প্রধানমন্ত্রী পদ থেকে ইস্তফা দিয়ে দেশ ছাড়লেন শেখ হাসিনা, গণভবনের দখল নিল জনতা

On the other hand, the Prime Minister’s residence Ganobhaban has been occupied by the angry people.  It is known that the Prime Minister of Bangladesh left the country after the meeting with the army chief. The army chief ordered him to leave the country. He was asked to leave the country with a declaration. He was given 45 minutes to leave the country. The names of three countries were suggested to him. According to BBC sources, Sheikh Hasina of Bangladesh has left for India. He can come to Agartala in Tripura. It is not known where to go next.

 Bangladesh is boiling with protests. Row after row of people have come down the road to demand the resignation of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. In the face of the mass movement, the army also withdrew from the streets. The streets of Dhaka are occupied by the protesters. Meanwhile, it is heard that Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has covered her neck. The army chief of Bangladesh will address the people shortly. Military rule may be imposed to control the fiery situation.

Today is the second day of non-cooperation movement. Demanding justice for those killed in the conservation movement and demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, students and ordinary people have taken to the streets in protest. Hundreds of people died in the clashes between the Awami League and the army on Sunday. Even today, fresh clashes took place in several places.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina met the President of Bangladesh this morning. It is not known what was discussed between them, but it is not known where Prime Minister Hasina is currently. It is heard that Hasina has taken refuge in a safe secret base.

According to sources, many of the cabinet and policy makers have left the country. Awami League leaders have also covered up as the unrest escalated. Various political parties are also meeting with army chief Neer in the cantonment. All government events have been canceled for now. The army has asked the people to be patient.  The army chief can address the people for a while. There are speculations that military rule may be imposed. Curfew is currently in force in the country. Mobile internet is off.

All in all, Bangladesh is on fire. Multiple fatalities have occurred in several places today. For the past few days, there have been allegations that the media is being controlled.

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